It works

tom devloper
Brazil GMT-3
libermonet [at]

skills & $hit

I can program in any language under the sun. I have some devops magic and can configure postfix, dovecot and all that mess (DKIM, spf, etc). I love Linux and it’s probably the only thing I like in my boring life. I can play the guitar. I hate windows. I like functional languages but I’m not a lunatic, just the good parts. I also hate Javascript but understand all that shit (oow yes it was created in one week, ok but so was the world). Unpopular opinion: Java is a crap, mainly due the verbosity and shitty garbage collector (if you don’t have money to spend in RAM, don’t use Java). I love bitcoin but I need f*cking fiat money in order to pay my stuff. I’m kinda libertarian so if you’re a communist idiot don’t bother calling me for anything.